Q: What is the process for transferring stock automatically?
In order to transfer stock automatically within Clinic Manager, the following steps must be followed (in order):
Below you will find a more detailed look at each of the previous steps.
Q: How do I stop all billing before doing an automatic transfer?
Because Clinic Manager cannot, as of yet, lock users from billing more stock, it is important that all hospital stuff refrain from doing any billing while printing stock lists or doing automatic transfers. The reason for this is that if a stock list is printed, or stock items are transferred between locations, and other items of stock are billed while the list is being processed or stock items transferred, the new items will not be reflected on the list.
Q: How do I find a list of the stock billed for a specific location within the hospital?
Follow these steps:
Click on the Pharmacy drop-down menu option at the top of the screen.
Click on the Pharmacy Reports option from the menu that drops down.
Click on the Stock Transaction Reports option from the menu that drops down.
Click on Stock Billed per Location Report.
Select your location from the list (e.g. Maternity, Casualty Unit, Paediatrics, etc.).
A report providing a list of all the stock ordered for that specific location will appear.
Q: How do I automatically transfer stock from one location to another within the hospital, as well as manage any back orders?
Transferring stock automatically within Clinic Manager is incredibly easy. Simply follow these steps:
Click on the Pharmacy drop-down menu option at the top of the screen.
Click on the Stock Transactions option from the menu that drops down.
Click on the Stock Transfers option from the menu that drops down.
Click on Auto Transfer via Stock Billed.
[warning]When clicking this, a dialog box will appear asking if you have
printed the Stock Billed per Location Report for the specific
location of the stock you wish to move. If you still wish to print this
report, be sure to click NO as the location will be cleared of all
stock once the transfer is complete and the information will be irretrievable.[/warning]
An Automatic Transfer of Stock Billed dialogue box will now appear. Fill in the Requisition Number, Transfer Date, the “From” Location (where the stock will be taken from), as well as the “To” Location (where the stock will be transferred to).
Press OK. The items will be transferred automatically to the new location and a new list will appear.
Q: How do I manage back orders?
The Transfer Quantity column displays the amount of stock items that need to be transferred to the chosen location.
If the location requires a certain item of stock, for example 36 hypodermic needles, a 36 will appear in the Transfer Quantity column for that stock item.
However, if for some reason a location requires more or less of a particular item of stock than usual; the information can be altered to reflect this.
Follow these steps:
Click on a specific item of stock.
Click on the Change button at the bottom of the window.
Click on the Transfer Quantity number in order to enter a new figure.
[notice]In order for the changes to take effect, press ENTER, DOWN or click off of the column. Do not press the OK button, as this will bring up a window asking if you wish to save and close the report.[/notice]
By changing the Transfer Quantity to a number more or less than the location has billed for, a new back order is automatically created.
So, for example, if the Paediatric unit usually bills the pharmacy for 11 hypodermic needles, but at some point just needs 6, one can change the Transfer Quantity from 11 to 6. This will automatically create a New Back Order of 5 hypodermic needles.
Q: How do I clear the stock for a specific location within the hospital?
Follow these steps:
Click on the Pharmacy drop-down menu option at the top of the screen.
Click on the Pharmacy Reports option from the menu that drops down.
Click on the Stock Transaction Reports option from the menu that drops down.
Click on Clear Stock Billed File.
Select the location of the stock to clear (e.g. Maternity, Casualty Unit, Paediatrics, etc.).
[warning]Once the stock
has been cleared the information will be irretrievable.[/warning