
Clinic Manager includes the ability to quickly and easily create and print quotes that can be sent to prospective patients.

The quote system can be accessed via the following menu:

After clicking on the above menu option, the following screen will appear:

The above example is blank as no quotes have been created yet. Older quotes or quotes that have been created will be displayed as a list on this screen.

Click the Insert button in order to create a new quote:

The following screen will appear:

Fill in the relevant information, including the quote number (which is sequential but can be changed), the date, the doctor that will be attending to the patient, the medical aid (very important as this will determine what prices are used for the quote), the procedure that the patient needs, and any additional comments that need to be noted.

Only the medical aid is required on the above screen, the other information is not mandatory in order to create a quote.

When finished, press OK.

Your quote will now be added to the quote menu:

You will now need to add transactions to your quote.

To do this, click on the Transactions button:

The following screen will appear:

You can now add ward rates, tariffs as well as any theatre time and medication to the quote.

This is done by clicking on a drop-down menu next to one of the options on the left (i.e., ward rate, tariffs, etc.) and selecting the desired option:

You can then set the number of days or the quantity of what it is you wish to bill by changing the days/quantity amount on the right:

When satisfied, click the Add button:

The transaction will then be added to the quote:

Do this for everything you wish to add to the quote and when finished, click Save:

Your quote has now been created and you can choose whether to print it physically or save it as a PDF to be e-mailed:

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